Amaal’s* Story
Amaal* came to Contact Hostel at the age of 18, after having moved to the UK several years earlier. Despite initially having support and accommodation provided by a family member, Amaal became homeless and was moved into shared accommodation by social services. This was a very distressing experience for Amaal, who felt lovely and isolated as all her immediate family still lived in Malaysia.
In 2022 Amaal joined us at Contact Hostel in our main house, at this time she was not in education or employment. With the support of Contact staff, Amaal engaged with the Princes Trust Foundation and completed this successfully. Her dedication to building a better future for herself continued as she was selected as one of just 20 out of 200 applicants to join the NHS pre-employment programme. Following completion of the course and a successful interview process Amaal secured a job in the NHS as a Lab Technician. She now works full time in a job with an excellent salary and good job prospects, enabling her to plan for her future.
After demonstrating her reliability, trustworthiness and maturity, Amaal was given a room in our Move-On Bungalow – this accommodation is on our main hostel site but allows older girls more independence and responsibility, helping to prepare them for moving out into more suitable permanent accommodation.
After 14 months at Contact, Amaal was able to secure a rented flat nearby and was supported by Contact Hostel when moving out on her own. As with all residents who move out, a tailored Move-On package was offered to Amaal, this included electrical goods and financial support towards the costs of moving.
Under the guidance of our dedicated Support Workers, Amaal has grown massively in confidence since living at Contact. Her keyworker said “We are very proud of Amaal and of all that she has achieved despite facing such difficult circumstances. We are confident that she will go on and live a very productive, happy and successful life and that she will succeed in whichever career path that she chooses.”
*Name & Image changed to protect identity